A super CV must be unique, well-written and well-designed. We've put together our top 5 tips for making your CV stand out amongst the crowd!
We get it, the job market can be ridiculously competitive. Because of this, a well-crafted resume can be your only way to get a foot in the door.
Your CV is often a recruiter’s ‘first impression’ of you, so because of this, it must stand out amongst the rest.
A super CV must be unique, well-written and well-designed. We've put together our top 5 tips for making your CV stand out amongst the crowd!
Before you even put your pen to paper, grab a highlighter. The first (and most crucial step) of CV writing is to decipher the job description.
A seasoned recruiter can easily sniff out generic applications. Having a thorough understanding of the job description will guide the rest of the resume writing process for you. It will tell you what main experiences, skills, and qualities you need to highlight to the recruiter to demonstrate you’re a good fit! Always view your resume from the lens of the employer.
A mistake we often see is that applicants think they must write down EVERY single job or experience they’ve ever had – right down to the paper run they had when they were 12. That’s just not necessary!
Be picky about what experience you include and how you articulate it. Does it align with the job description? Would experience from that role directly offer to the company you’re hoping to work with?
Perhaps if you were applying for a job at the EXACT newspaper that you used to deliver, then noting down that job would make sense (the old full-circle narrative). But otherwise, leave it out.
Note down your past roles, and find ways to demonstrate quantifiable achievements. What did you achieve in your last role? What did you learn? How did you take this company further? Recruiters love to see the ways you made a tangible impact on the company – not just the WHAT, but the how.
When you’re listing bullet points under your experience section think “What was the action I took in this role + What was the impact this had?”
Highlight your achievements in a meaningful and powerful way so that recruiters sit up and recognise how valuable you are.
You’ve already studied that job description, right? So now it's time to fill the gaps.
Ensure every section of your CV looks to answer these questions.
To ensure your CV is top-notch, you must proofread it. Better yet, get a friend to take a read of it for you.
When writing a CV, you want to be sure your intended message is shining through. Are you the answer to the recruiter's prayers?
Think of the top 3 things about yourself you’d like the recruiter to take away with them after reading your resume, and see if this rings true for whoever you’re getting to take a look at it. If not, make some tweaks to see if it alters the impression. Don’t be afraid to get feedback from more than one person!
Additionally, using tools such as Grammarly can help you check for spelling and/or grammatical errors.
Many employers do judge a book by its cover. Because the job market can often be competitive, recruiters can receive hundreds of applications for a role they are advertising. Because of this, your CV must stand out from the crowd.
If a CV looks messy and is sitting alongside a pile of persuasive and well-designed ones, it won’t stand a chance! Your CV must look beautiful and be inviting to read.
A beautiful CV also says a lot about your professionalism, attention to detail and enthusiasm for the role. If a recruiter receives your CV and it looks messy, they will automatically question your professionalism and desire for the role. If you didn’t spend much time on creating your CV, are you that serious about the job?
A well-designed CV should also be easy to navigate. When you send a recruiter or employer your CV, you want them to find your key skills immediately. If your content isn’t in order and displayed well, it can take a recruiter a lot longer than necessary to find these details.
Your CV is the first chance you get to make a good impression on a potential employer. A top-quality CV will considerably boost your chance of getting a face-to-face interview, so you must put time and effort into the content and presentation.